Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Way positive session, thanks to a big donk

I was -$30 at one point in the session, before winning a couple of huge pots in the last 10 mins of the session. One pot was an awesome win, not "outplayed" per say, but definitely a good move by me. It took advantage of FE with a draw, which is something that is very hard for me to do. Of course they didn't fold, and my draw didn't hit, but I still won (lol, I love NL25).

Session: +$61 -- 678 Hands
Overall: $948.80-- +$543.85 -- 26,076 hands


Anonymous said...

Is this like for your own good? I doubt people are going to read it... I can't believe I did.

Hackers238 said...

Yeah pretty much for my own record keeping, sorry to waste your time :)