Wednesday, February 6, 2008

The rise cometh before the Fall

Bad session today. A few bad calls, and a few cold cards. I figure I'll start my posts off with hands from now on, and talk about them/other things afterward so I don't give you any preview for my hands.

Full Tilt Poker, $0.10/$0.25 NL Hold'em Cash Game, 9 Players Hand History Converter

BB: $9.80
UTG: $10.25
UTG+1: $8.30
UTG+2: $8.25
Hero (MP1): $24.75
MP2: $26.15
CO: $11.95
BTN: $31.40
SB: $17.15

Pre-Flop: Ks Kd dealt to Hero (MP1)
UTG calls $0.25, UTG+1 calls $0.25, UTG+2 folds, Hero raises to $1, MP2 calls $1, 4 folds, UTG calls $0.75, UTG+1 calls $0.75

Flop: ($4.35) 2h 9h 2d (4 Players)
UTG checks, UTG+1 checks, Hero bets $2.50, MP2 calls $2.50, 2 folds

Turn: ($9.35) Ts (2 Players)
Hero bets $5.50, MP2 raises to $11, Hero raises to $21.25 and is All-In, MP2 calls $10.25

River: ($51.85) 8d (2 Players - 1 is All-In)
Results: $51.85 Pot ($2.55 Rake)

This play was poor. I tried 6-tabling for the first time tonight, and it only got the best of me once, when this hand was occurring, but that's no excuse. The PFR amount was too small, and should have been $1.50, and because of that error I got too many callers. I discounted a 2 on the flop, because the only hand I could see calling that PFR including a 2 was 22, of which there was only one 2 left in the deck. My flop bet was low to induce a caller with a missed mid-range PP, doubting I had the 9 or an overpair. In retrospect however, with 4 players in the pot this makes it way too easy for a FD to call. On the turn I was once again betting small believing that I had the best hand. I didn't think the caller had TT-QQ because the PFR situation, and at the very least the flop call wouldn't make sense, so I put them on 33-88. The turn raise made me stop and think for a second, but I ended up calling without much hesitation, and seeing the below:

Hero showed Ks Kd (two pair, Kings and Twos) and LOST (-$24.75 NET)
MP2 showed 9s 9c (a full house, Nines full of Twos) and WON $49.30 (+$24.55 NET)

Yuck. Slightly cold deck, but still it was my underbets that let it happen. I contemplated calling the turn raise, but didn't want to see some sort of combo draw with hearts relying on FE to make that minraise on the turn.

Anyway, on to another hand:

Full Tilt Poker, $0.10/$0.25 NL Hold'em Cash Game, 8 Players Hand History Converter

MP2: $4.65
CO: $22.65
BTN: $11.10
Hero (SB): $28.10
BB: $50.20
UTG: $21.75
UTG+1: $50.65
MP1: $10

Pre-Flop: Js Ks dealt to Hero (SB)
UTG calls $0.25, UTG+1 folds, MP1 calls $0.25, 2 folds, BTN calls $0.25, Hero calls $0.15, BB checks

Flop: ($1.25) Kc Jd Qs (5 Players)
Hero bets $1.20, 3 folds, BTN calls $1.20

Turn: ($3.65) Jh (2 Players)
Hero checks, BTN checks

River: ($3.65) Ts (2 Players)
Hero bets $26.65 and is All-In, BTN calls $9.65 and is All-In

Results: $22.95 Pot ($1.10 Rake)
BTN mucked 6d As (a straight, Ace high) and LOST (-$11.10 NET)
Hero showed Js Ks (a full house, Jacks full of Kings) and WON $21.85 (+$10.75 NET)

This one I was more proud of. Often times I don't mind a call or a check (in the BB) in these PF situations, although I'm not sure if that's technically correct. Basically I don't want to play KJ in a bloated pot OOP, and I'm really only looking here for flush value as there are so many limpers. On the flop, I like my bet because I figure someone with an AQ/AJ is going to call even though they shouldn't, and I can make a nice PSB on the turn barring an A, T, or 9 from hitting and take it down there. When the turn gives me the FH, now I'm slowing down. I'm hoping that the T or the A comes to give someone a straight where I can capitalize. However when the T does come on the river, I make a play which is out of character for me, and that's overbetting the pot. I figure at this level (NL25), it's going to be hard for a T to get away, and an A is never folding here. However with a large bet an A may be tempted to call rather than raise, because of the huge looking FH out there (any KJ, QJ, TJ). Because they weren't folding and were pretty much paying me what I bet, I decided to just put it all in, and was happy with my decision.

The above hand was my biggest net win for the session. Some of my losses include raising PF, calling flop and calling river bets when draws missed with A9, and losing to AJ. I also lost a couple coinflips against the shorties, which are populating FT in increasing numbers lately.

Blah. Put it behind me and hope for a better session tomorrow.

Session: -$36 -- 686 Hands
Overall: $543.45-- +$198.35 -- 14,696 hands

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