Sunday, January 27, 2008

Good session returning online

Logging this many hands has definitely helped my game. I'm starting to gain an ability to understand flop texture every flop; and I can put people on more accurate ranges of hands now that I do this. Anyway I don't have anything concrete to say on the matter, so maybe I'll talk more about it another time.

Anyway, positive session, not much to say about it, and pretty tired. I decided to do a little research and see if I could make Ironman at Full Tilt next month. The requirements to make silver (my goal) are 100 points each day for 20 days of the month, 50 points each day for 25 days, or 200 points a day for 15 days. I'm going for the 100/20 deal, and so I figured out how many points I'm getting per hour of quad tabling NL25. The answer? 26.5 over 1 hour of testing. Seems that means 2 hours a day for 20 days next month, for a whopping total of 40 hours a month, which seems very possible. I also logged 500 hands in just over 2 hours quad tabling, so that will put me right on track for 10k hands next month. Good luck me!

Session: +$45 -- 501 Hands
Overall: $464.50 -- +$177.15 -- 8577 hands


Mr. Jackie O'Quinn said...

Good luck on your run to ironman

Hackers238 said...

Thanks man, I'll be keeping this blog posted.